Is anxiety a good thing? It could be, in terms of protecting you from a dangerous situation. Before anything happens, when anxiety sets in, you enter into the fight-or-flight response mode. Here a decision is made and this is where the worry, nervousness, and general unease begin to manifest in the body and mind. You make a decision and it is either to fight or flight – run away from the situation. Everybody goes through anxiety, but the level or degree depends on how that person can cope with the way that situation is making them feel. Are you a bit apprehensive, worried, nervous, can’t eat, or sleep or is your life at a standstill because of this situation?
Anxiety in autistic children and teenagers is different and escalates because of their condition. This is worse in teenagers since they have to deal with hormonal changes as well. From experience with my son, a situation can stay on his mind for days and weeks off and on. The most absurd thing is that most times what he is concerned about is not something you and I as a child would be anxious over. This is where the differentiation of the mind comes in regarding autistic people. This is where the differences in the left and right brain arise. We have encountered very serious meltdowns resulting from anxiety. To reduce these feelings and actions, we have taken up behavioural coping strategies which include
- Positive biblical confessions daily
- Techniques to cope with anxiety
- Occupying the mind regularly daily
- Exercise & Essential oils
It is hard work, but with persistence and determination – we are seeing successful results. One thing to note – If the anxiety is unbearable, affecting sleep and daily activities, then you need to seek help.